Sunday, April 10, 2011

Inspired Blueprints News..

This week Inspired Blueprints introduced their new design team for May - September...and yours truly is on it! This is my "design team" debut, so I'm pretty excited. A new sketch will be introduced each week, and I'll be adding mine to the mix twice monthly.

Here's the lovely and versatile Sketch 69:

And here's my take on it: 

Thankfully, most of that snow has melted.  Yay, spring!

In other news, Jenny and I have been competing in the Tanana Valley Kennel Club agility trial this weekend. She earned her second leg in open standard yesterday and finished her novice jumpers with weaves title today. She's running beautifully and would be qualifying on all runs if she had a better handler!  I couldn't be more pleased with my little fireball.

Have  a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like someone is having fun! My kids have never seen the snow so it would be a big novelty to them. mind you they'd probably be over it if they were snowed in for a week.

    Love your use of the sketch, especially how you used the banner!!
