Sunday, August 14, 2011

Two more fun sketches -

The fine ladies at Inspired Blueprints went on hiatus for a bit this summer, but now they're back with some lovely sketches to amaze and inspire!  Our summer has been way fun and busy, so I got a little behind on my posting.  Here are sketches #77 and #79. 

My dad took this photo at my good friend June's wedding. June set Brian and me up and was in our wedding. Being one of June's bridesmaids was so much fun, and she was the coolest bride ever!

After I submitted this second one, I thought perhaps this may be one of the only pages ever posted that included a police car. The funny thing is that the trooper who drives this works out of the Healy, Alaska post. Some of the troopers in the city of Fairbanks drive SUVs.  Go figure.

Off to ponder sketch # 81!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this what happens when I expand my horizons - I was exploring sketch blogs and found you through inspired blueprint and LOVE your style! Great work, and I shall keep checking in :-)
